Journaling for your soul

journal prompts soul mindset gratitude self-care

Have you wanted to start journaling but aren’t sure where to start? Here are some tips, and a few prompts if you feel stuck.

Ideas of what to journal about:

  • write 3 things that you are grateful for at the beginning or end of each day.

  • write 3 things that happened that day, this also works as a memory journal to pass down. (ex. planted carrot seeds, took Claire to gymnastics, tried a new pizza recipe that the family loved… and add the recipe in your journal!)

  • write 3 affirmations (ex. I love my what my body does for me each day, I am excited for each new day, My creativity is unlimited)

  • write goals you want to work on and take a moment each day to journal and reflect on the little things you did that day to work towards those goals.

Journal prompts to get your wheels turning:

  • How can I grow my comfort zone?

  • If I woke up the same person in 2 years, would I be proud of myself?

  • What does my dream job look like?

  • If there was NO chance at failing at something, what would I do?

  • What are my limiting beliefs?

  • What makes me most joyful?

  • What new habit can I focus on this week to help me get closer to my goals?

journal prompts for mindset growth


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