Is it really “Just colic”?

natural remedies for colic babies

You have this beautiful babe of a human, who is absolutely the most gorgeous little tiny thing you've ever laid eyes on. Between the restless nights, all the blowouts and projectile burping barf are total heart eyes, so deeply in love of this beautiful babe. Then it starts. The gassiness. The uncomfortable cry. Then the cry lasts for what seems like an eternity. Now you're sleep deprived and stressed and worried, and your sweet little babe is sleepy and uncomfortable. So, you go to your doctor. Your doctor says "oh, it's just colic" take this (insert any sort of proton pump inhibitor) and they will be fine. And, the cycle begins....

Let's view colic from my world. When I hear of a babe with colic my brain initially thinks: Sympathetic Overdrive. The fight or flight nervous system is working overtime.
But, why?
(Insert detective status)

-How are mom and dad feeling? What's the mental state of mom and dad? Are they stressed? Exhausted? How's mom and her postpartum care and support?
Babies are like puppies, they can detect emotion way better than what adult humans do.

-How was the pregnancy? How was the labor and delivery? L&D is a traumatic process for all. Physically for the mom, it's a major process on her body. For baby, it's a traumatic process and sometimes extra force is used to deliver baby. This can and will cause extra stress on the baby, specifically neck and torso.

-How is this baby being fed? Formula or breast? Formula contains a lot of fillers and additives that aren't easy on the system. Hipp, Holle are two great *clean* brands. You can read more here. Goat's milk is also a very close similarity to breast milk and may be a great option for you. Weston Price Foundation has a recipe to make your own formula, you can read more here.

-Is baby on any supplementation? Here's what I recommend: l: Probiotics (I use Klaire labs), Vitamin D3 in a dropper format, Vitamin K in a dropper format, Vitamin A in dropper format and if needed with severe colic cases a digestive enzyme.

-Adjustments. Adjustments for the whole family. Subluxations throughout the spine, specifically in the neck, torso and lower back can affect digestion, sleep and voiding patterns. Assessing primitive reflexes also gives insight into the nervous system of your baby. As for mom and dad, with a new babe brings change and adaptation. When we don't adapt well, we're stuck in the fight or flight state, which puts our biome into an acidic state. Prolonged days, weeks, years in the fight or flight state leads to further issues like autoimmunity, heart disease, obesity and other degenerative processes. Thus, chiropractic care for the entire family!


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